
Apartment Locating On Your terms

Get Paid When You Lease an Apartment

How The Rebate Process Works

Start by Filling out the Questionnaire

Get a List of Apartments

When you Tour the Apartments, make sure you mention John the Apt Guy sent you.

When you fill out the application, write John the Apt Guy

Lease and Apartment on Your Terms!

You can go and Tour apartments on your own terms! Fill out the form, get sent a list of apartments, and get paid for using our service! Get up to $500 back via Amazon Gift Card!

Need an Apartment with Amenities

Looking for a Pool? Fitness Center? Need a place to walk your Dog? Let me know what you are looking for so I can find the perfect place!

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

AptRebate will be your best partner when it comes to everything Real Estate or Apartment/housing locating in Austin, Texas and surroundings. These guys are very professional and they will be there during the whole process… Shoutout to John, he was great and very helpful



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Frequently Asked Questions

How do I Get my Rebate?

When you apply for the apartment, list John the Apt Guy as the referral source. Let me know as soon as you apply. Once you move in, just wait for your rebate check!

How Long Does It Take To Get Paid?

Each property can be a little different. Some properties pay as quickly as 30 days after move in. Some are closer to 90 days. Some properties can take quite awhile. Don’t worry. We are trying to collect so that you can get paid.

 I didn’t See a Spot to Put your Info

If you don’t put my name in the referral spot, it’s gonna be real hard to collect. As soon as you remember, let me know so that I can contact the property. You might need to contact the property as well to make sure you get your rebate.

How Much Do I Get Paid for Using Your Service?

Apt rebate pays out up to $500 when the apt pays their referral fee. It varies based on the property you pick!

I didn’t see this property on the list

As a real estate agent I work with most properties in Austin. Some properties work by escort only, meaning we need to set up an appt here in the office.